Parent Council

Our Parent Council’s work is varied and good fun. There is an opportunity for everyone to be involved, and the more the merrier!  We concentrate on partnering with the school, providing support for parent volunteer activities (educational, sport and life skills), fundraising and communications.

The Parent Council objectives have five main aims:

  1. To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming and inclusive school for all parents.
  2. To promote partnership between the school, its pupils and parents.
  3. To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of pupils.
  4. To identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.
  5. Fundraising.

The aim of partnership and inclusion is to create strong links between the pupils’ parents and teachers ensuring everyone’s views and ideas are heard as the Parent Council is accountable to the Parent Forum.   As part of this we try to develop involvement from parents, local businesses and our communities.

The parent council can be contacted by approaching a member who represents the stage which your child attends, or another member of the Council.

If you want to contact the parent council via email then the address is:

If your email should be passed to the representative for a particular school year then please put that in the subject line of the email, e.g. Parent Council: Primary 2 – Question about xxxx.

All emails will be treated in confidence.  If you would like something to be raised at parent council then we can raise the issue as a general query.