Things to bring to nursery


There is no formal uniform for nursery however there is purple polo shirt which is optional to wear.  It is available to purchase here;

New Machar School

Please remember children are encouraged to take part in a variety of activities, some of which may be messy.  We do always provide aprons however, it is not advisable to wear ’best clothes’ to Nursery, as occasionally they can become dirty, with this in mind, please dress children appropriately.

A pair of soft indoor shoes- plimsolls or non marking trainers are great.

What else should I bring?

A bag which can carry belongings back and forward to Nursery.

A complete change of clothes – just in case. It’s less distressing for children if they have their own clothes to change if necessary for whatever reason

Outdoor clothes – we like to go out in all weathers so please ensure that the children have appropriate clothing for the weather conditions – and always bring a jacket – we do live in Scotland with it’s very changeable climate! And bear in mind, playground play can sometimes be messy too! (Wellies, rain jackets, and waterproof trousers when required would be appreciated.)

Sun-tan lotion – please apply to your child before they begin their Nursery session. Sun hats are also requested for sunny weather

PLEASE NAME all belongings – to help us re-unite any lost items with their owners – especially shoes, coats, bags and nursery t-shirts.